In 1962, Nishimatsu Construction Co., Ltd. (Japan) had organized the founding of Thai-Japanese Joint Venture Company in order to comply with condition of tender for the construction of Friendship Highway which starts on the outskirts of Bangkok. This project was operated with financial assistance from the United States of America.
At that time, the establishment of Joint Venture Company must be approved by Field Marshal Sarit Thanarat (Prime Minister) which means that we have to directly approach to the Prime Minister.
At the beginning, the process for company’s establishment was very difficult since we had no clue how to contact the Prime Minister. Fortunately, we were assisted by Khun Phongpao Visuutthiphan who was General Manager Administration for Transportation of Thailand and Mr. Ushiroku, the Secretary General Of Embassy of Japan at that time (later be promoted as an ambassador) and finally, we were able to contact the Prime Minister. In September 1962, Mr. Miyoshi Nishimatsu, the President of Nishimatsu Construction at that moment discussed with the Prime Minister at Government House. In the meeting, Field Marshal Sarit Thanarat (Prime Minister) had understood and foreseen the important of founding the Company “As we have checked and known that your company has competence and enough experience, we then would like you to invest and run your business in Thailand. So your intention investing in Thailand is granted.”
Moreover, Field Marshal Sarit Thanarat (Prime Minister) proposed the name of the company Thai Japan Construction which is good name for reminding of the relation between Thailand and Japan. Therefore, the Company was named in English and Japanese “Thai Japan Construction Co., Ltd.” and 「日泰建設 “Nittai Kensetsu”」respectively. The name has been continually used for more than 20 years until, in 1984, it was changed to “Thai Nishimatsu Construction Co., Ltd. and has been used from then up to the present time.
In 1963, a year after having a conversation with Field Marshal Sarit Thanarat (Prime Minister), the company’s establishment was approved by Japan Government and successfully registered as a company limited in Thailand.